Well if you are living with chronic illness, here is why you should think about letting the clutter go. Clutter is an energy leech.
You know what energy leeches are. They are the people, places and situations that just seem to drain your energy away without you actually doing anything at all.
Most of us try to avoid energy leeches like the plague. We have so little energy to begin with, we can't afford to give any to an energy leech. But clutter is a hidden energy leech lying in wait in your home just sucking energy away from you day and night.
Here are a few ways that clutter could be sucking away your energy without you even realizing it:
1. Visual clutter. Your brain has to process everything it sees. So when your home is full of stuff, just sitting still looking around can be mentally tiring.
2. Finding stuff. When a space is cluttered it is much easier to lose stuff and so much harder to find it. And not finding what you need leads to frustration and stress. Both of which trigger flare ups in many chronic illnesses.
3. Cleaning in harder. House cleaning is very difficult when you have limited strength and limited energy. It is even harder to clean something if you can't see it because it's covered in clutter. You use up all your cleaning energy moving the clutter to clean underneath it.
4. Dust is a bad thing. This goes right along with cleaning. When you fall behind in house cleaning due to clutter, dusting is usually the first thing to go. But a build up of dust (and dust mites) can be very dangerous to a person with allergies or respiratory problems. And it is really not good for anyone to be inhaling tons of dust. And clutter just loves to collect dust.
5. Memory. Clutter happens because the stuff in your house does not have a home. When the stuff does not have a home, you have to always remeber the last place you left it. Which is a total waste of mental energy.
I am sure there are many other ways clutter could be stealing your energy without you even realizing it.
We all have clutter. Even if you don't have a chronic illness you probably still need all the energy you can get. So take a look around your house at your very own clutter and decide if keeping it is worth the energy loss.
I have decided to dump the clutter and take back the energy it has been stealing. I know it won't be easy or fast. But reclaiming that extra energy and being able to use it how I choose is worth the effort.
If you feel the same as I do, stay tuned for more post on getting organized and banishing the clutter energy leech for good.